Getting your Credit report
One of the things you should do from time to time is to make sure you know your credit rating. It is your legal right to know what credit reporting agencies have on file about you. You do not want to wait until taking out a mortgage or doing a business deal to find out your credit record is flawed and errors need to be corrected. If you have not checked your free credit report, you should get started ASAP.
Where to get a free credit report:
· TransUnion; To order a credit report by phone, call 1 800 663-9980. The request form can be found at here. Send your form to
Consumer Relations Centre
PO Box 338 LCDI
Hamilton, Ontario L8L 7W2.
· Equifax: To order a credit report by phone, call 1 800 465-7166. The request form can be found at: here. Send your form to
National Consumer Relations
PO Box 190, Station Jean-Talon
Montreal Quebec H1S 2Z2.
Or fax it to 514 355-8502.
If you decide to visit them personally, here are their addresses:
· TransUnion: 709 Main Street West, Hamilton Ontario L8S 1A2
· Equifax: 5650 Yonge Street, Toronto Ontario M2M 4G4
You will need to confirm your identity, each credit bureau has its own rules for acceptable ID. Usually they require photocopies of two pieces of identification (both sides).